prinana: sense of joy and love.
prinana: sense of joy and love.
prana vaha srotas: channel (srotas) concerned with intake of nutrients to the lungs.
PRANA. The vital life energy. Without it, life cannot exist. The flow of cellular intelligence from one cell to another. Equivalent to the Oriental Ch’i or Ki. A form of vata dosha,Read More…
prakruti: 1) the first creation, the great ocean from whence comes all life, or 2) the individual inborn or genetic constitution.
pitta dhara kala: the membrane/substrate for rakta agni.
pachaka: form of pitta dosha, found especially in the small intestine.
ojas: the superfine essence of kapha; the essential form of water within the body; the ultimate product of good digestion and agni. It acts as a receptacle for the subtle fire within theRead More…
mutra vaha srotas: channel (srotas) for excretion of urine.
meda dhara kala: the membrane/substrate for meda agni.
meda: dhatu related to fat or adipose tissue.