mano vaha srotas
mano vaha srotas: the channel which covers the whole body, through which the mind moves.
mano vaha srotas: the channel which covers the whole body, through which the mind moves.
mamsa dhara kala: the membrane/substrate for mamsa agni.
mamsa: dhatu related to muscle tissue.
A mala in Buddhist and Hinduism refers to prayer beads. In Ayurvedic medicine mala refers to wastes that must be excreted from the system, but which serve the body between their creationRead More…
majja dhara kala: the functional membrane/substrate for majja agni (the transformative force of fire for majja).
majja: dhatu related to the bone marrow and nerves, brain, nervous system.
maha srotas: see anna vaha srotas, synonymous.
kledaka: form of kapha dosha, found especially in the stomach.
kala: an osmotic like metabolic membrane which acts as a kind of substrate for each dhatu agni, separating the essential form of the dhatu from the non-essential.
jivana: making one feel alive.