dukha: suffering, unhappiness, ill health; literally, “bad space.”
dukha: suffering, unhappiness, ill health; literally, “bad space.”
dosha: term used to describe the dhatus vata, pitta and kapha when they are out of balance; non physical forces which can lead to an accumulation of physical waste products. Dosha refersRead More…
dhatu is an element, either 1) one of the seven dhatus, the constituent tissues which support life, or 2) one of the three dhatus, the balanced forms of vata, pitta and kapha,Read More…
bodhaka: form of kapha dosha, found especially in the mouth.
bhrajaka: form of pitta dosha, found especially in the skin.
avalambaka: form of kapha dosha, found especially in the chest.
asthi: dhatu related to bone.
artava: dhatu related to reproduction and creativity, acts with shukra
apana: form of vata dosha, found especially in the colon and pelvis
anna vaha srotas: channel concerned with the digestion of solids.