srotamsi: channels in which vata flows, pathways of assimilation, digestion, and elimination. Includes the srotas that nourishes each dhatu, e.g., rasa vaha srotas, rakta vaha srotas, etc.
srotamsi: channels in which vata flows, pathways of assimilation, digestion, and elimination. Includes the srotas that nourishes each dhatu, e.g., rasa vaha srotas, rakta vaha srotas, etc.
sneha: lavish love, related to meda.
shukra dhara kala: membrane related to transformation of elements by shukra agni.
shukra: dhatu related to reproduction and creativity.
shleshma dhara kala: membrane for rasa agni.
shleshma: another name for kapha.
shleshaka: form of kapha dosha, found especially in the joints.
A Buddhist is someone who: Has “Taken Refuge” in the Triple Jewel of the: Buddha Dharma Sangha Aspires to virtue by striving to follow the morality of the “Five Precepts” at a minimumRead More…
sattva: (sattvic) mental state of clarity without mental chatter (vata) or confusion (kapha); considered mental counterpart of pitta. That style of functioning of consciousness which embraces balanced use of the mind, bodyRead More…
sadhaka: form of pitta dosha, found especially in the brain and heart.