rishi: sagely seers of ancient India.
rishi: sagely seers of ancient India.
rasa: dhatu related to the plasma and nourishment.
ranjaka: form of pitta dosha, found especially in the liver and spleen.
rakta: dhatu related to the blood and invigoration.
raja vaha srotas: channel for excretion of menstrual fluid.
rajas: (rajasic) mental state of aggressiveness and hyperactivity; mental counterpart to vata. The mobilization of energy by consciousness in such a manner as to produce action, attraction, repulsion, desire and so on.Read More…
purisha vaha srotas: channel for excretion of feces (purisha)
purisha dhara kala: membrane/substrate for asthi agni; considered to be located in the colon lining.
purisha: feces.
purana: filling.