AIR: (sound +) touch because air holds sound and we perceive air through its movement Gunas: mobile, dry, light, clear and rough, (for example, strong wind) and cold (cosmic air as aRead More…
AIR: (sound +) touch because air holds sound and we perceive air through its movement Gunas: mobile, dry, light, clear and rough, (for example, strong wind) and cold (cosmic air as aRead More…
SPACE: is connected to sound; is clarity and expansion. Gunas – subtle, clear, soft, cold, immeasurable, empty, descent of intelligence into the heart of the matter, love, and all-pervasive. Has no resistantRead More…
Botanical name: Terminalia arjuna Botanical family: Combretaceae Dravyaguṇa • Energetics: Rasa taste: astringent (kaṣāya), sweet (madhura), pungent-spicy (kaṭu) Vīrya heating or cooling energy: cooling (śīta) Vipāka Post-digestive effect: pugent-spicy (kaṭu) • Actions of the Doshas: V+,Read More…
Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning action. Generally speaking, the use of the term is with reference to its spiritual implications and has the status of law–that which never has an exceptionRead More…
vaidya: One who knows. A respectful title of an Ayurvedic medical practitioner, indicating appreciation of the depth and scope of knowledge in the training of this science. See our Buddhist Ayurveda vaidyaRead More…
VATA. One of the three doshas, combining the space and air elements; it is the subtle energy associated with bodily movement and governs breathing, blinking, muscle and tissue movement, pulsation of theRead More…
prana: A subtle essence of all energy forms; hence, the energetic essence of all creation. The particular prana of foods determines whether and how foodstuffs are used. See also pranayama and pranaRead More…
PITTA. One of the three doshas; it corresponds to the elements of fire and water. Sometimes referred to as the fire or bile principle, pitta governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, metabolism, and bodyRead More…
kapha: The name of the governing principle of creation relating to physical forms of energy. It is responsible for secretions, maintaining lubrication, fluid balance, growth, heaviness, grounding, forgiveness, compassion, potency, understanding.
guna: This term means quality or attribute. It describes a fundamental stable energy which is the nature and essence of any substance. Thoughts, feelings and similar subtle energies are considered as substanceRead More…