Level 1 – CAT – Clinical Ayurvedic Therapist – NAMA Curriculum
Basic Requirements
Total Hours of Education: Minimum of 500
Core Curriculum Hours: Minimum of 350
Peripheral Curriculum Hours: Minimum of 100
Clinical Internship Hours: Minimum of 50. Of these a minimum of 25 hours must be with a client and 25 hours must be in case management.
Core Curriculum:
Sankhya Philosophy (Sankhya Darshana)
5 Elements (Panchamahabhuta Siddhanta)
3 Doshas (Tridosha Siddhanta)
Ayurvedic Anatomy & Physiology (Sharira Rachana & Kriya Sharira)
Prana, Tejas & Ojas
6 Tastes (Shadrasa)
Daily Regimen (Dinacharya)
Seasons (Ritucharya)
Digestion & Diet (Agni Vyavahara & Ahara Vijnana)
Herbology (Dravyaguna Vijnana)
Pathology (Nidan & Vikriti Vijnana)
Disease Management (Kaya Chikitsa)
Diagnostics (Rogi Roga Pariksha)
Assessment/Evaluation (Atur Parikshan / Parichay)
Ayurvedic Psychology (Manovijnana & Manasaroga)
Panchakarma Theory (Panchakarma Chikitsa)
5 Sense Therapies (diet, herbs, aromas, sound, touch, color)
Peripheral Subjects:
Western anatomy & physiology
Vastu Shastra
Yoga Therapy
30 trimester – 1 year typical complete time
Listen to 150 Ayurvedic Patient Consultations MP3 audio files.
Level 2 – MAH – Master Herbalist – Master’s Degree
American Herbalist’s Guild Curriculum
1800 hour, 120 trimester units
Didactic courses:
Basic Human Sciences
Medical Terminology
Botany and Plant Identification
Basic field identification and recognition of plant anatomy; differentiation of commonly used and toxic species.
Materia medica/Therapeutic Herbalism
To include dosages and dosage forms, historical uses, botanical names, plant constituents, the parts used, therapeutic applications and actions, indications, contraindications and actions, herb-drug interactions, toxicology and side effects, review of the literature, harvestable status, plant families and use with particular groups such as the elderly, pregnant etc.
Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy and Dispensing
To include basic principles of medicine making, plant chemistry and pharmacology herbal formulation, modes of administration and delivery, maintaining a dispensary, raw material identification, laws regarding labeling and dispensing, and dispensing strategies.
Clinical Skills
To include training in counseling skills, professionalism, physical assessments, constitutional analysis, laboratory findings, general assessments, dosing strategies, interviewing and case taking skills, record keeping, wellness counseling, nutritional and dietary counseling and informed consent and full disclosure.
Career Preparation/Practice Development/Ethics
To include ethics, maintaining records, professional networking and scope of practice, legal issues (both national and local), confidentiality, small business management, and promoting and marketing an herbal business.
History & Philosophy/Introduction to Research
History to include the philosophy of western herbalism, the history of American herbalism and world models of herbalism. Research to include interpreting historical and scientific data, understanding what constitutes “evidence-based medicine.”
Listen to 1500 Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine Patient Consultations MP3 audio files.