“Bodhisattva (bodhi = enlightenment + sattva = being) is a Sanskrit word which can be interpreted in two ways: 1) Enlightener of Sentient Beings. The Bodhisattva takes the enlightenment that he hasRead More…
“Bodhisattva (bodhi = enlightenment + sattva = being) is a Sanskrit word which can be interpreted in two ways: 1) Enlightener of Sentient Beings. The Bodhisattva takes the enlightenment that he hasRead More…
‘Corpus of Manifest Enlightenment‘ is called in Buddhist Sanskrit as the Abhisambodhikaya. According to some Dzogchen systems, the appearance-making aspect of the deep awareness of a Buddha‘s pure appearance. In other words, theRead More…
See Corpus of Manifest Enlightenment.
A Buddhist is someone who: Has “Taken Refuge” in the Triple Jewel of the: Buddha Dharma Sangha Aspires to virtue by striving to follow the morality of the “Five Precepts” at a minimumRead More…
‘Da Xin De Ben Shr‘ — He would not like anything at all to be said about him other than that he was an itinerant monk bhikshu of the American Jen ChenRead More…