rakta: dhatu related to the blood and invigoration.
rakta: dhatu related to the blood and invigoration.
raja vaha srotas: channel for excretion of menstrual fluid.
rajas: (rajasic) mental state of aggressiveness and hyperactivity; mental counterpart to vata. The mobilization of energy by consciousness in such a manner as to produce action, attraction, repulsion, desire and so on.Read More…
purisha vaha srotas: channel for excretion of feces (purisha)
purisha dhara kala: membrane/substrate for asthi agni; considered to be located in the colon lining.
purisha: feces.
purana: filling.
prinana: sense of joy and love.
prana vaha srotas: channel (srotas) concerned with intake of nutrients to the lungs.
PRANA. The vital life energy. Without it, life cannot exist. The flow of cellular intelligence from one cell to another. Equivalent to the Oriental Ch’i or Ki. A form of vata dosha,Read More…