tejas: fire element as it relates to mental function; subtle fire throughout the body. The superfine essence of pitta.
tejas: fire element as it relates to mental function; subtle fire throughout the body. The superfine essence of pitta.
shodhana: purification.
shirshasana: yoga posture, the head stand.
shamana: palliation
rasayana: rejuvenation therapy.
rasa: rasa dhatu or plasma, lymphatics, represented by kapha. Also means taste such as sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent/spicy, astringent.
pranayama: special breathing exercises. For specifics, see chapter XII of Dr. Vasant Lad’s book Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing.
prajna paradha: obstruction of wisdom, mental perversity.
prabhava: the exception, or unusual effect.
pippali: Indian long pepper, Piper longum.