pancha karma
pancha karma: purification therapy.
pancha karma: purification therapy.
marma marga: synonymous with madhyama marga.
marga: pathways in which the doshas flow.
manas: the thinking mind. See also buddhi and chitta.
madhyama marga: the middle or vital pathway.
madana phala: a nut used for emetic medication in India.
koshta marga: synonymous with abhyantara marga.
khichari: an Indian dish of rice and split mung beans with Ayurvedic spices such as cumin, coriander, fennel, turmeric, mustard seeds, ginger, black pepper and hing (asafeditida) as appropriate to the dosha vikrutiRead More…
Isabgol: a species of psyllium; high in fiber.
ghee: clarified butter. “Ghrita” in Sanskrit. It is the clarified essence of butter which is obtained from cooking it for about 15 minutes over medium heat. When cool, accumulated fats on the bottomRead More…