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All our materials are distributed to our enrolled students via Hyperlinked Shastra commentary for Non-Profit Educational Purposes for Distance Learning.

The Editor’s and anonymous Pandita Commentator’s intent is to redact an extensive non-profit educational-use-only commentaried synthesis redaction of Buddhist Ayurveda based on the concepts of the following disciplines: Explication, Explanation, Translational science, Syncretism, Moral syncretism, Exegesis, Eisegesis, Exegete, Shastra, Hermeneutics, Source criticism, Source evaluation, Critical reading, Textual criticism, Historical criticism, Redaction Criticism, Content analysis with Peer review. This is offered to our enrolled students for Non-Profit Educational Purposes for Distance Learning by this Non-Profit Educational Institution free of charge.

NOTE: All materials included in the text of these next pages are quoted, paraphrased, excepted and/or commented upon under the “Fair use” provision (17 USC §107) of United States Copyright Act for non-profit educational and religious purposes and are shared free-of-charge as small quoted or paraphrased excerpts and audio-video commentary in the scholarly “Shastra” fashion order to spread the Proper Healing Dharma of the Namo Bhaisajya Guru Buddha, Bhaisajya Raja Medicine King, Bhaisajya Samudgata Medicine Superior Bodhisattvas Founders of Chinese Medicine, Indian Ayurveda, and Tibetan Ayurvedic Medicine: Arya Shen-Nong — the Medicine King Bodhisattva Mahasattva – and Arya Monk Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva of Nalanda Monastery‘s Sushruta Samhita Lineage Tradition of India, Tibet and China.